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Round Square: An Opportunity for Growth


By: Josie Song '28

As the Colombian Round Square trip approached, the passing of the flag in an all-school assembly represented the beginning of a new chapter for the students who would be attending this year. Ready to embark on their journey, Stephanie Akinfolarin ‘25 perfectly encapsulated the excitement and worry she felt before she left for the trip. 

“I was so scared for the homestays; you stay with strangers in their house, [I feel like] that was the scariest part for me,” she recounted. “But you have to come into it with an open mind and be excited to try new things,” said Akinfolarin ‘25. 

As she mentioned, going to a foreign country and staying with strangers is no easy feat. However, the Cate students were not alone in this endeavor. Round Square is a collection of schools that share a commitment to experiential learning and character education which centers on six themes, also known as Round Square’s IDEALS (internationalism, democracy, environmentalism, adventure, leadership, service). International students from all over the world joined together with Cate students, in order to serve the broader community of Bogotá, approach education through the IDEALS, and build connections with peers from different cultural backgrounds.  

Dr. Sintetos, one of the faculty chaperones of the trip, recounted how she was impressed that students wanted to connect with one another, no matter the cultural context. She was delighted to help guide students throughout this unique experience. Sintetos stated that one of their most fulfilling days of work was a reforestation project in Boyaca.

However, Round Square is not just limited to service work, as many students were able to contribute not only to the community of Bogotá but also to the overarching Round Square organization. Students could partake in adventurous activities such as ziplining, and each day would conclude with a keynote speaker, followed by a conversation with students from other schools about their takeaways. In an email written by Andrew Peng ‘26, he recounted the first day and discussed a speech given by ex-congresswoman, Juanita Goebertus, who addressed the political history of Colombia. It was one of the most insightful experiences for Cate students, serving as an introduction to the community and providing them with important historical context about the location.

Although some Cate students were initially apprehensive about the significant lifestyle changes they would encounter in Colombia, they approached the experience with an open mind, allowing for valuable learning and personal growth. While the Colombian exchange concluded after a week, a new opportunity awaits with the Round Square trip in 2025. During this upcoming journey, a new team will receive the flag, symbolizing the start of a fresh chapter in their engagement with Round Square and their exposure to diverse cultures, people, and places.


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