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Writer's pictureCathleen Chow

A Mardi Gras Homecoming

Stephanie Akinfolarin '27


Homecoming was a lot of things. From food fights to late-night dancing, this event was definitely one to remember. Everyone was dressed to impress and were all ready to have a fantastic night. The Mardi Gras theme this year was a huge success and the food could not have tasted better. The jambalaya was absolutely delicious, considering how spicy it was. The beginning of the night was marked by photos of everyone in their fabulous outfits in front of the beautiful sunset or the iconic Senior Lawn, all of which were taken by Aimee Stan, friends, or volunteer parents. When it was time for dinner, people trickled down to Booth Commons, enjoyed a variety of refreshments along Kirby Quad, and eventually found their tables, lined with an assortment of masks and candy.

Not long into the dinner, chaos erupted. From the view at the tables outside, one could see students throwing miniature objects across the room–candy, perhaps. Shiny wrappers of the candy glimmered as they lofted in the air, bouncing off of shoulders, dresses, and suits. It was when people started putting their hands over their heads in search of shelter that it was truly a food fight. Immediately, BRod entered the dining hall, furious, exclaiming, “Are you kidding me right now?” No student on campus has ever seen the man that angry before. The room was quiet, and while the scene was quite amusing–candy stuck to heads of hair and wrappers lying across the floor, not a single person laughed, murmured, or sneezed. Zoë Flint said, “The foot fight was the highlight and B-rod yelling at us was funny.”

At that moment, students outside frantically closed the door, making sure that it was known that they had absolutely nothing to do with the atrocities that took place inside. When everyone finished eating, and the candy littering the floor was collected, the real event of the night began: the dance. Frankly, the music was subpar at best, but it was fun seeing a bunch of sweaty teenagers enjoying each other’s company in the mosh pit. Emerson Evans stated, “The table decor was good.” Josh Butler said, “Don’t get a date to homecoming.” Oliver Charvel said, “Do with da boyz.” Loreilai Roof said, “My legs felt so sore after dancing in the mosh pit.” Addie Bracher said, “My favorite part of Hoco was taking photos in the photo booth with the author of this fabulous article”. Andy Carranza exclaimed, “It was astronomical.”

As you can tell, there are mixed reviews about Cate Homecoming 2022, but all can definitely agree it was a hell of a night.


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